7 Best Facebook Messenger Spy Apps Without Target Phone

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Do you recall the earliest apps that were used to make online friends? You might not remember but we clearly do. Facebook was one of the earliest apps that started the trend of making online friends and sending messages to random people.

Till now, Facebook has helped unite millions of people with their old school buddies and in making new friends as well. But, does every new person you are connecting with have a good intention just like you? Of course not. And this makes you wonder if your loved ones are safe on Facebook or not.

In spite of always being in a dilemma about how your lover or your teen uses Facebook, it’s better to keep an eye on their Facebook activities until you are sure about their safety.

Don’t panic as you don’t need to do that manually, a spy app will do the wonders for you. Spy apps work in stealth mode, so they are undetectable. Plus, with the apps mentioned in the list, you don’t need to root the target phone as well.

So, let’s start with the best Facebook Messenger spy apps before your loved ones get in some trouble and it’s too late to act.

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Best Apps To Spy On Facebook Messenger

#1 iKeyMonitor

The Good

  • Quick updates on activities
  • Date and time stamp available with each message
  • Tracking of Messenger is also possible with photos
  • Multiple filtering options are available

The Bad

  • Received messages might not appear in the Facebook section

messenger tracking

The first Facebook Messenger spy app on my list is iKeyMonitor. I found its tracking of Messenger and other Facebook activities to be quite impressive. This spying app for Facebook gave me quick results, making it possible for me to take action quickly if I noticed something wrong.

I was able to check all the Facebook messages in the Facebook section of the app during my usage.

On the left side, you will see the list of Facebook friends of your spouse, and by clicking on any of them, all the conversations done with that person will appear on the right side.

With each and every message that was sent or received, I was able to see the date and time stamp. This made it easy for me to know the time when my partner/kid was most active on Facebook. Also, I could monitor Facebook Messages remotely without the target user knowing.

There are some chances that you might not see the messages that the target person sends. But you will see all the messages that they receive. If such a thing happens in your case, then you have to switch to the Keystrokes section to check for the sent messages.

Each and every keystroke has the app name mentioned adjacent to it, simplifying for you to understand which messages are sent in Messenger and which ones in other apps.

iKeyMonitor does not make you rely on just texts. While I was exploring it, I could also check the screenshots that were secretly taken while the target person was using Facebook or Messenger.

Once I clicked on the Screenshots – app, I was able to see all the screenshots sorted app-wise. All I had to do was select Facebook to see all the screenshots related to that app.

screenshots from apps

The thing that I have noticed while using iKeyMonitor is that it takes screenshots irrespective of what is being done on Facebook. This includes the message section, commenting on photos, or scrolling through the feed.

Click Here to Try iKeyMonitor

#2 SpyBubble Pro

The Good

  • Takes multiple screenshots
  • Screenshots are of good quality
  • Shows whether the target user is using Facebook Messenger or not
  • Its keylogger tracks sent Facebook messages

The Bad

  • Does not track received Facebook messages in text format

Another application on my list of best Facebook Messenger spy apps is SpyBubble Pro. It is mainly designed for cheating spouses. And like other apps on this list, SpyBubble Pro also works by taking continuous screenshots of Facebook Messenger.

When I was using SpyBubble Pro, I found its working to be really similar to that of iKeyMonitor. It took screenshots whenever Facebook Messenger was used by the target person on their cell phone.

SpyBubble Pro - Facebook Screenshots

These screenshots were then shared to my SpyBubble Pro account remotely without the target user knowing. I found the screenshots to be of good quality, however, they were not downloadable.

SpyBubble Pro shows a green online tag to show if the target user is using Facebook Messenger currently or not. I really liked this feature, as it tells you if SpyBubble Pro is about to send more screenshots or not.

This spy app for Facebook Messenger also offers a keylogger, which tracks every keystroke made on the Facebook Messenger app. As a result, I could monitor all the sent Facebook messages in the form of text. SpyBubble Pro offers one of the best keyloggers and is on my list of best keyloggers.

Click Here to Try SpyBubble

#3 Hoverwatch

The Good

  • No limit to the number of screenshots
  • The screenshots are of good quality
  • Quick updates
  • Downloading screenshots is possible

The Bad

  • All the screenshots are available in one place making the tracking hard

I always prefer tracking with photos over tracking with text. For me, it increases the reliability of the information that I receive.

Keeping this in mind, here I bring forth the next Facebook Messenger spy application i.e. Hoverwatch. Hoverwatch is an app that clicks screenshots remotely while the user is using Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, or any other app on their phone.

The thing that I have noticed while using Hoverwatch is that there’s no limit to how many screenshots Hoverwatch will take. To be honest, while tracking with Hoverwatch there was hardly any Facebook activity that I missed spying on. And the best part is that I was able to do it remotely without anyone knowing.

The thing that I like about Hoverwatch is that it doesn’t matter what your teen is doing on Facebook. It takes screenshots from every screen and uploads them on Hoverwatch online portal. As a result, you will be able to remotely spy on the Facebook Messenger of your partner/kid without rooting their cell phone.

Each and every screenshot was of good quality during my testing and I could download them as well.

Unlike other apps, there was no separate section by the name Facebook or Messenger in Hoverwatch. It shows screenshots from all the apps in one place. Due to this, the total number of screenshots was enormous, and it became difficult for me to track all the Facebook-related screenshots.

Click Here to Try Hoverwatch

#4 KidsGuard Pro

The Good

  • The app shows both texts and screenshots
  • Date and time available with each message
  • Screenshots are of high quality
  • Possible to download screenshots
  • Quick updates

The Bad

  • The search bar of KidsGuard Pro does not work properly

kidsguard pro messenger tracking

Another app that can let you spy on someone’s Facebook Messenger is KidsGuard Pro. Be it the tracking of WhatsApp, Snapchat, or Instagram, KidsGuard Pro never disappointed me. And I can say the same for KidsGuard Pro’s Facebook tracking.

With a combination of both text and photos, KidsGuard is one of the best undetectable Android spy apps for tracking Facebook and Messenger activities without the target phone.

While exploring KidsGuard Pro, I was getting updated in less than 5 minutes. So it felt like I was tracking the target person’ Facebook Messenger in real-time and that too remotely without anyone knowing.

To keep a track of the Facebook messages, I had to go to the Messenger section. And there, I could see all the messages either sent or received.

Want to know the time when your child is most active on Facebook? The date and time stamp will help you know that.

The screenshots that I received during my usage were small in size, and I had to click on them to open them in full size. Downloading the screenshots was also possible when I was testing KidsGuard Pro. You can read my KidsGuard Pro review article here to know about it in detail.

best apps for facebook messenger spy

Just like Facebook messages, you can spy on other Facebook activities with KidsGuard Pro as well. For that, you need to switch to the Facebook section.

What all the teen likes to see on Facebook, and what they comment, the Facebook section will reveal everything.

Click Here to Try KidsGuard Pro

#5 eyeZy

The Good

  • Tracks sent and received Facebook messages in text format
  • Takes good quality screenshots
  • Screenshots are downloadable
  • Also offers keylogger

The Bad

  • Working of the keylogger is average

The last Facebook Messenger spyware on my list is eyeZy. Like other apps on this list, it takes screenshots of Facebook Messenger and then shares them remotely, and it worked very well during my testing.

eyeZy - Facebook Messenger Screenshots

The thing that I like about eyeZy is that it not only offers screenshots but also offers Facebook messages in text format. Therefore if you do not like to read from images then you can read text messages. Unlike other apps on this list, eyeZy tracks both sent as well received messages on Facebook Messenger.

Apart from this, eyeZy also offers a keylogger. It tracks the sent Facebook messages. However, when I was exploring eyeZy, I found the working of its keylogger to be average. Sometimes it synced the messages within a few minutes and sometimes it took a lot of time.

Having said that, if you want an app that can track Facebook messages both in text and image form then you can definitely go for eyeZy. You can check out my eyeZy review if you wish to know more about it.

Click Here to Try eyeZy

#6 uMobix

The Good

  • Continuous screenshots are sent
  • Screenshots are of good quality
  • Possible to download screenshots
  • With online tag, you will know when the user is active on Facebook

The Bad

  • The tracking is only possible with screenshots, no text.

As I said before, I prefer tracking via photos as compared to tracking with text. So here’s another spy app for Facebook Messenger that works by sending continuous screenshots, and its name is uMobix.

Facebook section of uMobix is the place where I found all the Facebook-related screenshots of the target Android phone.

The screenshots taken by uMobix were continuous and of good quality during my usage. It made tracking Facebook Messenger remotely successful for me.

Just as expected from a good monitoring app, uMobix took screenshots from any screen, whether the child was commenting on a post, watching some video, or viewing someone’s profile.

I found the size of the screenshots to be enough to see the main content clearly. However, the screenshots were not downloadable.

With all the screenshots, you will see a date and time stamp to know when your spouse is doing a particular conversation.

While exploring uMobix, I found out that it has a special feature that lets you know whether the target person is online on Facebook or not. Whenever the target person opened Facebook on their device, uMobix showed me an online tag in front of the Facebook section. If you want to know more about uMobix then click here to read my uMobix review article.

Once you see the online tag, you can continuously monitor the Facebook activities to see what they are doing in real-time.

Click Here to Try uMobix

#7 mSpy

The Good

  • Tracking with screenshots is possible
  • High-Quality screenshots
  • Possible to download the screenshots
  • Date and time stamp available with each screenshot

The Bad

  • The data sync speed is not good

The next app to monitor Facebook Messenger that I have for you is mSpy. It is one of the popular spy apps and after using it I got to know why it is so much popular.

With its Screenrecorder feature, mSpy tracked all the activities going on on Facebook in the form of photos during my usage.

mspy messenger tracking

As soon as your spouse opens the Facebook app, mSpy starts working in the background and starts taking screenshots. And within a few minutes, you can see the clicked screenshots on your uMobix account. However, the thing that I did not like about mSpy is that sometimes it takes quite a long time to upload screenshots.

As expected, the app has no limitations when it comes to the number of screenshots. When I was exploring mSpy, it kept taking screenshots when Facebook Messenger was being used by the target person. I was able to check each screenshot in full size and I could download them as well.

The date and time stamp make the tracking of Facebook with mSpy even more reliable.

The thing that I have noticed while using mSpy is that, under the SOCIAL NETWORKS section, there was a Facebook Tracking option which only works if the target phone is rooted. Since I was using it on a non-rooted phone, so I had to use the Screenrecorder feature only. You can read my mSpy review article to know about mSpy in detail.

Click Here to Try mSpy

Which Among The Given Facebook Messenger Spy Apps Works Best?

All apps mentioned above work immaculately but if I have to choose one, then it would be KidsGuard Pro.

The app gives quick updates, shows you both text and screenshots, and it offers downloadable screenshots as well, which is everything that you need.

Every other app had a few limitations, but not KidsGuard Pro. The only thing that was causing a problem was the search bar at the top. But I guess it’s not of much importance.

Every other app on this list has a few limitations, but not KidsGuard Pro. The only thing that was causing a problem for me was the search bar at the top. But I guess it’s not of much importance.

Having said that, you can use all these apps to not only monitor someone’s Facebook Messenger but you can also use them to:


Can I Spy On My Girlfriend's Facebook Messages?

With spy apps, you can spy on your girlfriend's Facebook messages without letting her know about it.

Do Facebook Messenger Spy App Work?

Yes, Facebook Messenger spy apps work once you install them on the target Android phone. Don't worry as these apps work in the hidden mode.

How Can I Find Out Who My Boyfriend Is Talking To On Facebook?

You can know about the person your boyfriend is talking to with the help of an undetectable spy app.

Do I Need To Root The Android Phone For Monitoring Facebook Activities?

With all the apps mentioned above, there's no need to root the target phone for monitoring Facebook Messenger activities.

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